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INICIO | 27 de julio de 2024

Some history of the hierarchical Bayesian methodology.

Título inglés Some history of the hierarchical Bayesian methodology.
Título español Algo de historia de la metodología bayesiana jerárquica.
Autor/es Good, Irving John
Organización Virginia Polytech. State Univ., Blacksburg (Virginia), Estados Unidos
Revista 0041-0241
Publicación 1980, 31 (1): 489-504, 53 Ref.
Tipo de documento articulo
Idioma Inglés
Resumen inglés A standard tecnique in subjective Bayesian methodology is for a subject (you) to make judgements of the probabilities that a physical probability lies in various intervals. In the Bayesian hierarchical technique you make probability judgements (of a higher type, order, level or stage) concerning the judgements of lower type. The paper will outline some of the history of this hierarchical technique with emphasis on the contributions by I. J. Good because I have read every word written by him.
Clasificación UNESCO 120908
Palabras clave español Análisis bayesiano ; Estimación bayesiana ; Modelo jerárquico ; Cálculo de probabilidades
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Equipo DML-E
Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT - CSIC)