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INICIO | 27 de julio de 2024

Control of linear systems with rational expectations. The case of incomplete information.

Título inglés Control of linear systems with rational expectations. The case of incomplete information.
Título español Control de sistemas lineales con expectativas racionales. El caso de información incompleta.
Autor/es Cerdá Tena, Emilio
Organización Dep. Anál. Mat. Fac. Mat. Univ. Complut. Madrid, Madrid, España
Revista 0213-8204
Publicación 1992, 7 (1): 51-61, 9 Ref.
Tipo de documento articulo
Idioma Inglés
Resumen inglés The problem of optimal control of linear economic systems with rational expectations and quadratic objective function is solved for the case of incomplete information. The case of complete information has been previously studied. In both problems the hypothesis of causality is not satisfied and, therefore, the standard techniques of control theory cannot be directly applied, though the method used is based on these techniques.
Clasificación UNESCO 120702
Palabras clave español Teoría de sistemas ; Control estocástico ; Esperanza condicionada ; Sistemas lineales
Código Z-Math Zbl 0765.90020
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Equipo DML-E
Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT - CSIC)