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INICIO | 27 de julio de 2024

General numeration I. Gauged schemes.

Título inglés General numeration I. Gauged schemes.
Título español Enumeración general I. Esquemas calibradores.
Autor/es Dubois, D. W.
Revista 0373-0999
Publicación 1982, 42 (1-2-3): 38-50, 3 Ref.
Tipo de documento articulo
Idioma Inglés
Resumen inglés The paper deals with special partitions of whole numbers in the following form: given a sequence of pairs {[Gi;Di]} of positive integers in which the Gi form a strictly increasing sequence, sums of the form ∑niGi, with 0 ≤ ni ≤ Di, are considered. The correspondence
[nk ... n0] → ∑i≤k niGi
defines then a mapping α from a set M of numerals, called Neugebauer symbols, satisfying 0 ≤ ni ≤ Di, into the set W of all non-negative integers. In M, initial zeros are supressed and M is ordered in the usual numerical order. Such an α is called a gauged scheme.
Clasificación UNESCO 120504
Palabras clave español Esquemas calibradores ; Sistemas de numeración
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Equipo DML-E
Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT - CSIC)