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INICIO | 27 de julio de 2024

Familles sommables dans les espaces vectoriels topologiques.

Título original Familles sommables dans les espaces vectoriels topologiques.
Título inglés Summable families in topological vector spaces.
Título español Familias sumables en espacios vectoriales topológicos.
Autor/es Mazan, Michel
Organización Univ. Toulouse I Sci. Soc., Toulouse, Francia
Revista 0373-0999
Publicación 1982, 42 (4-5-6): 179-186, 5 Ref.
Tipo de documento articulo
Idioma Francés
Resumen inglés Let E and F be two vector spaces in separating duality. Let us consider T0, the uniform convergence topology on E on the partial sums of families of F which are weakly summable to 0 in F; then, if (E',T'0) is the completion of (E,T0), the finest locally convex topology T on F for which all the weakly summable families in F are also T-summable, is the uniform convergence topology on the T'0-compact subsets of E'. If F is a Banach space and E its dual space F', every weakly summable family in F is summable in F if and only if the closed unit ball of F' is a T0-compact set. If TZ is further the uniform convergence topology on F on the partial sums of absolutely summable and Ts(F)-summable to 0 sequences of F', F is reflexive if and only if F is Tz-complete. We give also in appendix a generalization of the Orlicz-Pettis theorem.
Clasificación UNESCO 120225
Palabras clave español Espacios vectoriales topológicos ; Convergencia ; Familias sumables
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Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT - CSIC)