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INICIO | 27 de julio de 2024

Algunos progresos y problemas en la Ciencia de la decisión.

Título inglés Progress and problems in the science of decision-making.
Título español Algunos progresos y problemas en la Ciencia de la decisión.
Autor/es Ríos, Sixto
Revista 1139-1138
Publicación 1998, 11 (1): 113-141, 55 Ref.
Tipo de documento articulo
Idioma Español
Resumen inglés The study of decision making and problem solving has attracted much attention. Since the middle of this century the notion of rational decision making was associated with expected utility maximization, albeit in a very different way than D. Bernoulli (1738) envisioned. For decisions under risk, Von Neumann and Morgenstern (1947) formulated the axioms for expected utility. For decisions under uncertainty Savage (1954) developed the axioms leading simultaneously to subjective probability and expected utility maximization. In recent decades, the decision theory literature has been dominated by many normative models and prescriptive methods or questions concerning how these models can be made more applicable. Most of research on decision making and problem solving carried on at the Department of Statistics and Operations Research of the Universidad Complutense after 1950 is exposed.
Clasificación UNESCO 120904
Palabras clave español Teoría de la decisión ; Decisión estadística ; Beneficios económicos ; Resolución de problemas ; Investigación básica ; Modelo teórico ; Inversiones económicas
Código Z-Math Zbl 1126.90359
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Equipo DML-E
Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT - CSIC)