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INICIO | 27 de julio de 2024

Variability of the radius growth at 25 year old Pinus uncinata miller ex mirbel species in the Spanish north-east pyrenees.

Título inglés Variability of the radius growth at 25 year old Pinus uncinata miller ex mirbel species in the Spanish north-east pyrenees.
Título español Variabilidad del crecimiento del radio en pinos de 25 años de edad de la especie uncinata miller ex mirbel en los Pirineos nororientales españoles.
Autor/es Gutiérrez, Emilia
Organización Dep. Ecol. Fac. Biol. Univ. Barcelona, Barcelona, España
Revista 0210-8054
Publicación 1985, 9 (2): 95-104, 3 Ref.
Tipo de documento articulo
Idioma Inglés
Resumen inglés It has been studied the variability of stem radial growth in four radius orientations at the age of 25 years old trees. The species was Pinus uncinata. The sampling sites, located in the North East Spanish Pyrenees belong to different plant communities. An ANOVA analysis was performed in order to find out which factors, the radio orientation, plant community of the site and tree itself are significative or have some kind of influence on the tree radial growth.
Clasificación UNESCO 120914 ; 240401
Palabras clave español Arboles ; Modelos estadísticos ; Análisis de la varianza ; Bioestadística ; Pinos (Pinus)
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Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT - CSIC)